Provincial codes in West Java : Mp3Juiceit

Know the West Java provincial code and what are the conditions

West Java is the only province that was first formed after the Dutch colonial era, the provincial code for West Java is 32. However, that province has been established under Law No 11 of 1950 since 4 July 1950 because it was recognised by the GOI. As for the government’s own center in Bandung.

The area of this province is about 35, 377.76 square kilometers, even reaching almost 2% of the Indonesian mainland. In addition, this province is also known as the second largest region specifically for the island of Java, where East Java is the first most extensive. The population reaches more than 50 million inhabitants.

West Java  becomes the  most populated region

You must know that the province of West Java has become one of the most populated regions  of Indonesia , with a different West Java province code. Where the population level has reached 50 million people more than the total population of the country. West Java’s population growth from 2019 to now is indeed increasing.

This takes into account the large number of local residents who urbanize this area. The reasons for the growing population movement to West Java itself are varied, ranging from labor interests to environmental conditions. Meanwhile, the least number of inhabitants, namely in the city of Banjar, is about 185 thousand people.

Almost 80% of the population of West Java decides to live in urban areas due to industrial factors. Other regions, such as Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, etc., make up at least 39 percent of West Java’s own population.

It should be noted that almost the majority of the population of West Java is Sundanese. Where this tribe is known in this western part as the indigenous peoples of Javanese. While the Javanese tribe is found more in the north of West Java, the Betaw tribe mostly lives in and around the Jakarta region.

In addition, there are also Batak tribes and Minang tribes, which are also found in the West Java region, especially in urban areas such as Bogor, Depok and Bandung. Although the Chinese population is also often found in almost all of West Java, they are mostly spreading.

Code of government administrative district in Indonesia

Before discussing further the issue of the West Java province code, for example, the area code is sekeloa village area code.

As for the code, it has shown information from the local government district code that hosts it, starting with subregions, cities, to provinces, including:

  1. Coblong district (area code 32.73.02)
  2. Bandungi linn (suunakood 32.73)
  3. West Java provincial code (region code, i.e. 32)

At the same time, there are other examples, for example, area code 36.71.07, karawac district codes, for which the local government is responsible, namely:

  1. Tangerang City (suunakood 36.71)
  2. Province of Banten (area code 36)

In addition, there is also the area code 33.74, which is the city of Semarang with local authorities, namely:

  1. Province of Central Java (region code 33)

You must know that the GOI, through the Ministry of Interior (Ministry of Interior), has updated the regional code every one to five years. Where is the trick when issuing permendagri (decree of the Minister of Internal Affairs) with a new regional code and data.

Moreover, when there is a regional expansion or even a large transition of villages into villages. So far, permendagri’s West Java provincial code is  the last area to be issued, Permendagri RI No. 137 from 2017. Where it has been set in Jakarta since December 27, 2017.

With effect from the introduction of Permendagri, the previous Permendagri is repealed and repealed. This is set out in Article 13 of Permendagri No 137 of 2017. According to the latest Permendagri, Indonesia currently has:

  1. 34 provinces
  2. 514 cities/counties (98 cities + 416 counties)
  3. 7,201 districts/districts
  4. 83,436 villages/kelurahan (8,479 villages + 74,957 villages)
  5. 91 185 piirkonnakoodi.

Provincial codes in West Java

Surely you are familiar when you hear the name West Java, right? Yes, one of the provinces of Indonesia, which is visited by many local residents because of the beauty and coolness of the living environment there.

As we know, the province with the capital of Bandung is indeed famous as a cold and cool region. In addition, Bandung is often called the City of Flowers.

Why is that? This is because in ancient times Bandung was considered very beautiful, where many trees and flowers bloomed. Not only that, previously Bandung was also given the name Paris van Java because of its beauty. You should know if the West Java province code is 32.

As for the regional code, its purpose is to find out the characteristics of the province. With this area code, you can more easily do telecommunications based on the observations of the Indonesian Transport Agency.

This area code itself is a series of numbers and periods that displays the code and data of the administrative region of the Indonesian government of each region, be it village / kelurahani, subregion, city / district and even provincial levels, as well as the code of the west Java province.

The task of this code is to speed up and facilitate the process of managing indonesian administrative districts. In addition, you should know that this code can also indicate the level of the dank ode region of the municipality in which it is located, for example, the code for the province of West Java , which is 32.

Mandatory knowledge of the provisions of the Provincial Code

The following is a discussion of the provisions of provincial and city/regency regional codes, including:

  1. Provincial region code

Below are the provisions that must be taken into account when determining the county district code.

  1. The two-digit number pertama is the provincial region code.
  2. The provincial code is usually determined by the location of the geographical area of the island of Indonesia, where it usually begins from west to east.
  3. The digits of the first digit, for the provinces located at:
    1. Island of Sumatra: marked with the number 1 or 2
    2. Java Island: marked with the number 3 or 4
    3. Bali and Nusa Tenggara Island: marked with the number 5
    4. Kalimatan Island: marked with the number 6
    5. Sulawesi Island: marked with the number 7
    6. Maluku Island: marked with the number 8
    7. Island of New Guinea: marked with the number 9

The second digit of the provincial code is usually assigned according to the order in which the province is formed. As we know, the provincial code for West Java  is 32.

  1. Area codes for cities and counties

In addition, several provisions for the city/district area code are presented below.

  1. The city/kabupatan code usually extends to 4 digits, where the number consists of the provincial regional code, which is 2 digits, the character used as the separator, namely the dot, and the city/regency code is 2 digits.
  2. The two digits after the first dot are the code, not the city or county.
  3. Meanwhile, the first digit of the city code number is from 7 to 9, while the first digit of the district code number is from 0 to 6.
  4. The district code usually begins with numbers 01, 02, 03 to 69 according to the order in which the county is formed.
  5. City codes usually begin with numbers 71, 72, 73 to 99 according to the order of formation of the city itself.

For example, the wilayah-code,  for example, 33.22, is the area code for the Semarang Regency, exactly in the central Java province region (33). At the same time, the area code 33.74 indicates the area code of the city of Semarang in the Central Java province (33).  As for the  West Java provincial code, it is indicated by the number 32.

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